We’re available for takeout!

pho delight friends & neighbours cafe egg bacon sandwich


Friends and Neighbours has been a local, family-owned, business since 1981. Utilizing family values, a warm atmosphere, and a friendly nature, this restaurant has you feeling at home the minute you walk through the door. Having earned the loyalty of many local regulars, Friends and Neighbours is proud to be an integral part of the Garneau/Whyte Avenue community, and the local economy.


We started old-fashion family diner and then branched out into as an authentic Vietnamese cuisine. We are conscious all food-related needs and especially sensitive to gluten-free, vegetarian and vegan diets. If you’re looking for the restaurant to please all taste, stop from Friends & Neighbours / Pho Delight. Let us take care of you.

pho delight friends & neighbours cafe egg breakfast


Many-a-customer has blown into Friends and Neighbours on a blizzarding, sub-zero, day, chomping at the bit for a bowl of steaming pho. Whether you’re freezing, heart-broken, sniffling, or perhaps had a little bit too much fun the night before, our food is bound to hit the right spot, leaving you full, warm, and satisfied.

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